位于太仓市东部,距市区8公里,沪太快线朝阳路站、沪嘉高速公路延伸线纵 横境内,区域面积为78平方公里,辖16个社区居民委员会、7个村民委员 会,户籍人口9.02万人,常住人口18.97万人。
娄东街道充分发挥社会管理职能,推动经济发展和城市化进程,民生工作扎 实开展,陆渡教育园投入使用,建设了娄江幼儿园分校、社区日间照料中心 和会所等一系列民生工程。
It is located in the east of Taicang, eight kilometers away from the urban area, with Shanghai-Taicang Expressway Chaoyang Road Exit at its territory and the extension of the Shanghai-Jiading Expressway across the town. It covers an area of 78 square kilometers and consists of 16 neighborhood committees and seven villagers’ committees, with registered population of 90,200 and permanent resident population of 189,700.
Loudong Sub-district The Loudong Sub-District has given full play to its functions in social management to promote economic development and urbanization. The programs concerning people’s livelihood are in solid progress. Ludu Education Park has been put into operation. A number of projects for improvement of people’s livelihood, including the branch of Loujiang Kindergarten, the community daily care centers and community clubs, have been established.